Last weekend we were able to get a very good deal on a microchip for the Tob-monster (I will explain his new affectionate nickname shortly). He will get is 4 week booster shot of the distemper/parvo vaccine on Sat. Oct. 17, and then all that is left to finish his transformation to official 'house pet' is to get him neutered. We are planning to wait until the week of Thanksgiving so that I will have enough days off work in a row to supervise him (aka laugh at the poor little guys as he tried to navigate the house with an E-collar, but on the bright side, he will get to attend one, possibly two thanskgiving meals, so it won't be so bad).
On Sunday we visited his other 'grandparents' (aka Dave's mom and dad) and Dave's mom loved him. He was also very polite and didn't jump, or try to lick. He showed everyone (including some of the neighbors) how he plays soccer with a super-sized tennis ball. You can see a video
here (this was actually taken at our house before we went to see Dave's parents).
After playing hard, Toby decided it was nap time, but he needed to keep his tennis ball close by :-)

And now to explain my earlier nickname of Tob-monster. So Toby likes to get up early, really early. I consider myself to be a morning person, rarely sleeping past 7am, and usually getting up by 6:30, or as soon as the sun starts shining through the curtains. But Toby has brought a new meaning to 'waking up early'. I am talking about before alarm needed anymore. For a day or two, when he heard the radio on the alarm, he would fly (yes, pretty darn close at least) onto the bed and wiggle all over the place until I would get him and take him to the other room. Then he realized he could wake us up, no need to wait for the alarm. So even though I am a little bit tired, I have gotten a lot of things done before work this past week, thanks to Toby! And there is something relaxing about sitting in our guest room, reading a book and snuggling with doggies and kitties :-) I need to remember to bring the camera with me next time!