Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random March Highlights

After browsing through photos taken in March, I figured I would share them all in one post because there are a bunch of random things :-)

The sun going down on my drive home

The dogs looking forlorn on the day we had the carpet cleaned

Duma enjoying her newest 'hiding' place on carpet cleaning day

And the whole view of Duma's 'hiding' spot...haha...crazy cat!

We are given the matching foot rest to the 'dog chair' from my sister and the dogs take turns checking it out:

And Ruby decides it is a great new place to eat a bone:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Canine Visitor

On Thursday, March 24, I found another stray dog. By now, most of you are probably saying, "yeah, no surprise", but each dog we find brings all kinds of new adventures. The darling little black lab has become known as Millie and is about 6 months old. She learned how to use our dog door in less than 2 days (yay for not making messes all over the carpet). Millie will be going to live with her new family on Sunday and we are so excited for them and also thankful to get a little bit of peace back at our house :-)

I love dogs, but we sure were glad that Polly was calming down since she is about a year old now. If you would like to see the craziness that ensues with the new puppy around, check out this youtube video.

And a few pictures of Millie:

Standing in my office the morning I found her

Laying in the parking lot, chewing on her temporary leash, while I was trying to take her to the vet to see if she had a microchip

Polly looks really big now!

Cute little fuzzy baby :-)

Giving me 'the look' when I told her she didn't need to go outside and bark

Polly on the left, Millie on the right, and Toby in the background

On her 'date' with her new family on Saturday evening :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pretty, Tasty Dessert

I found a recipe using strawberries because they are so good right now! Here are some photos of the process:

Every good recipe starts with butter, right?!

The fixin's

Time for a little art :-)

Proof that a real human made this food

You can never go wrong with brown sugar and cinnamon

Another use for a muffin tin


and the rest of the ingredients

Ta da! The finished product :-)

Go to Sunflower Farmers Market's website for the recipe:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Animal Update

A few videos of the dogs enjoying play time: (Turn up the volume to hear Ruby 'speak')
(Polly Racing around the house)
(Polly playing with a tennis ball)

And we can't forget the cats:

All 3 - a very rare sight to see




And we can't forget a quick look at a few 'house' projects:

Check out the new greenhouse in the right corner :-) Soon we are hoping to grow some strawberries!

entryway prior to installation of a concrete ramp

existing concrete remove at end of ramp and area coated with a bonding agent

the concrete slowly drying and the 'improvised' ramp to allow it to be finished smooth (I have not taken a photo of the beautiful, dry ramp that we have been using for over a week now...but I will, soon)

And what more can you ask for as an ending than a pretty sunset?!