On Thursday, March 24, I found another stray dog. By now, most of you are probably saying, "yeah, no surprise", but each dog we find brings all kinds of new adventures. The darling little black lab has become known as Millie and is about 6 months old. She learned how to use our dog door in less than 2 days (yay for not making messes all over the carpet). Millie will be going to live with her new family on Sunday and we are so excited for them and also thankful to get a little bit of peace back at our house :-)
I love dogs, but we sure were glad that Polly was calming down since she is about a year old now. If you would like to see the craziness that ensues with the new puppy around, check out this
youtube video.
And a few pictures of Millie:

Standing in my office the morning I found her

Laying in the parking lot, chewing on her temporary leash, while I was trying to take her to the vet to see if she had a microchip

Polly looks really big now!

Cute little fuzzy baby :-)

Giving me 'the look' when I told her she didn't need to go outside and bark

Polly on the left, Millie on the right, and Toby in the background

On her 'date' with her new family on Saturday evening :-)