Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 17: Goodbye

Brook was so trusting and amazing it is difficult to express all the ways we grew to love her in such a short period of time. It still brings tears to my eyes now as I write this, more than 24 hours later. Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson was so kind and made us feel as best as possible. They even moved us from a standard exam room to one with carpet, and nice chairs, and a view of their garden area with fountains. It brought us a little bit of peace to know that others care as much as we do, and no matter how long a life is on this planet it is just as precious.

I would also like to share my thoughts from our drive to the vet clinic on Sunday morning:

You will never understand until
You carry an animal when it cannot walk
And are patient and calm
For as long as it takes

You will never understand until
You hold food in your hand
Simply so this frail animal
Will eat enough to stay alive

You will never understand until
You have given everything
You possibly can
And then a little bit more

You will never understand until
You have made a difference
In just one life
But it will repay you forever

But those of us who do understand
Admire those who continue to help
And know the toll it takes
But also the amazing gift of love

Also, Dave has another blog where he has shared his thoughts: From last Thursday, and from yesterday

I really enjoyed meeting people through this blog, and plan to continue updating, but the focus will obviously be a little different. I will give more background on us and our pets in the coming days and plan to add links to pet related articles and animal welfare information.

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