Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 11: Monday

This morning, Brook did not want to eat any dog food, so we gave her the pill and then offered her some lunch meat. She only ate half a piece. Not more than two hours later, she threw up. Yellow bile and a little bit of food remains from the previous night. She seemed very upset about this, so I just cleaned it up and sat with her for a while. She is already suffering enough with not feeling well, and if there was a way she could have gotten outside, I know she would have. I went to the grocery store later in search of some different foods that she might be interested in. We ended up with some cottage cheese, eggs, and plain yogurt.

She willingly ate the cottage cheese (just a few spoonfuls to make sure she didn't get sick again). Then she ate an entire scrambled egg, licking the bowl over and over even when it was gone. I was a little weary of giving her any more food just to make sure it didn't come right back up. We withheld the doxycyline to give her stomach a chance to settle down. Ever since she threw up her stomach has been having spasms. It is like she has the hiccups but they don't follow through. Her whole body jumps, whether she is standing up or laying down. I only hope it subsides soon so she can truly rest.

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