Thursday, May 28, 2009

News from the Vet

Well, the vet said Brook was not too dehydrated, but she has lost almost 5 pounds because she is not eating. Dave and I are heartbroken and unsure of how to proceed. For now we have asked the vet to take blood and run a full panel to check organ function. The valley fever test will have results early next week. When I pick Brook up from the vet later this afternoon, I will be getting a few cans of specialty wet food from the vet. It is very high in vitamins and nutrients so that everything that goes in her body will be used. I will probably have to syringe feed her. At least I have done that before with cats at an animal shelter (and dogs don't have claws and sharp teeth like cats, so that is a bonus).

Dave has graciously offered to take time off work tomorrow (he gets 8 hours of paid time because it was his birthday Monday, but it fell on a holiday, so his boss said he could take a different day). We'll see how everything goes tonight, but I believe he will work half a day, so that Brook won't be left alone for 9-10 hours...only about 5.

I have done a lot of reading on distemper and most of it is not good at all. Here is a useful link for those who are curious:

I think my biggest question about all of this is: why doesn't the county immediately vaccinate all dogs with the distemper/parvo vaccine? Yes it is a cost issue, but couldn't it make their dogs more adoptable because they aren't sick?

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